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Get involved as a patient or service user

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If you are interested in taking part in research as a patient or service user, ask your doctor, nurse or other health professional if there are any suitable opportunities.

You can also register with Research for the Future, an NHS-supported campaign that helps people find out about and take part in health and care research in and around Greater Manchester.

Everyone is welcome to register, whether you have a health condition or not.  The only requirement is that you are 18 years or over.  Registering means you will be informed about research opportunities that are relevant to you.

Taking part in research doesn’t just involve testing new drugs or treatments – we often carry out patient surveys, ask people to advise on ideas for research or use routine observations that are already collected.

We also have our own biobank, the Northern Care Alliance Research Collection and if you are a patient at one of our hospitals you may be asked if you will donate a sample to this.

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