Medical staff in scrubs gathered around a dummy as one demonstrates CPR

Education at CENECT

Emergency and critical care avatar

We lead and deliver multiple international courses aligned to trauma and emergency care, including the European Trauma Course, Training in Emergency Airway Management course and other regional procedural courses.

We have an in-situ simulation training programme and work with our multi-disciplinary clinical teams to drill for complex medical scenarios, providing real time senior feedback and educational follow-on learning through ‘simfographics’.

We also support regional training courses for emergency medicine step up programmes, intensive care examination support days, FRCA tutorial programs and anaesthetic major trauma education days for rotational trainees.

We run monthly journal club opportunities to discuss best evidence into practice. We have local website resources for our neuroscience and critically injured patients.

We contribute to multiple online free open access medical education platforms such as those provided by the St Emlyn’s team, RCEM and ICS.

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