Spine and brain x-ray


Stroke, heart disease, cardiovascular avatar

Salford Royal has the largest volume stroke service in the UK and provides expert care for people with cerebrovascular disease. Our unit has Hyper Acute Stroke Research Centre Status and stroke is a major theme in the Geoffrey Jefferson Brain Research Centre (GJBRC).

We have an internationally recognised track-record in translational and clinical research with extensive experience in delivering hyperacute and complex studies in ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke, including experimental medicine and trials.

We have particular strengths in basic and laboratory sciences, advanced MR imaging, neurorehabilitation, cognitive neuroscience and data science enabling research across the full patient pathway.

The stroke research theme in the GJBRC is led by Professor Craig Smith, whileDr Adrian Parry-Jones leads the intracerebral haemorrhage research theme and Professor Audrey Bowen leads the rehabilitation and life after stroke research programme.

For more information, please call us on 0161 206 2188 or email acute.research@nca.nhs.uk.

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