Clinical research requires the collection and interpretation of data. Wherever this involves taking measurements or counting, the science of statistics underpins the activity. Typical studies include assessing methods of diagnosis and treatment or analysing risk of illness and poor outcome.
Our Statistics team works closely with clinical researchers to ensure that studies are designed and conducted in the best way to answer their research questions efficiently. We support bids to research funding bodies such as the Medical Research Council, National Institute for Health Research and major charities such as Arthritis Research UK and the Stroke Association. Our advice covers statistical aspects of the design, such as how to ensure fair comparison between groups and how many people to study. We also advise on how to analyse, interpret and present results.
We have strong links with the Centre for Biostatistics at the University of Manchester and contribute to the Research Design Service (North West) of the National Institute for Health Research.
Requests for statistical support can be directed to the Research Management Team at and
These sets of notes give guidance on some statistical issues:
Organising your data in a spreadsheet
Statistical consideration of study size