Professor Lecky has previously led the national Trauma Audit Research Network as research lead, delivering high quality outputs from a database containing more than 500,000 episodes of major injury. The network has had a long lasting impact on major trauma network care in the UK – top ten example outputs can be found at the link below:
Top 10 TARN research publications | Emergency Medicine Journal (
In addition to TARN, we work with a number of national and international colleagues on quality improvement programmes aligned to emergency care. We have recently collaborated with Oxford and NHSBT to evaluate the disease burden, mechanistics and potential treatment options for TBI coagulopathy. We have also delivered a ten-year local programme of work to improve the safety of airway management across acute care settings, presented at multiple international meetings and implemented in practice across multiple NCA sites.
Our local policy hub contains evidence-based guidance on major haemorrhage, venous thromboembolic disease, post cardiac arrest management and thoracic injury. We maintain a suite of major trauma guidelines designed to standardise best practice.
Policy Hub (
Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Service – Salford : Northern Care Alliance
We run, support and influence a number of trauma prevention programs designed to reduce the impact of major trauma on people in our region, including Safe Drive Greater Manchester and Vision Zero.