Contact details:
MB ChB: University of Manchester, 2004
MRCP (UK): Royal College of Physicians, 2007
SCE Nephrology: Royal College of Physicians, 2014
PhD (Med): University of Manchester, 2016
Present appointment:
- Consultant Nephrologist (substantive appointment), Salford Royal Hospital, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust: October 2018 – present
Previous appointments:
- Pre-Registration House Officer, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: 08/2004 – 08/2005.
- Senior House Officer (medical rotation), Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust: 08/2005 – 08/2006.
- Senior House Officer (medical rotation), Salford Royal Hospital NHS Foundation Trust: 08/2006 – 08/2008.
- Senior House Officer (medical rotation), South Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: 08/2007 – 08/2008.
- Clinical Research Fellow, University of Manchester: 08/2012 – 08/2016.
- Specialty Registrar in Renal and General Internal Medicine, North Western Deanery: 08/2012 – 10/2018.
Research interests/expertise:
- Chronic kidney disease (CKD) epidemiology, pathogenesis, risk prediction and biomarkers
- Mental health in kidney disease
Publications (last 5 years):
Al-Chalabi S, Alderson H, Garratt N, Green D, Kalra PA, Ritchie J, Santhirasekaran S, Poulikakos D, Sinha S, Improving outpatient clinic experience: the future of chronic kidney disease care and associated multimorbidity. BMJ Open Qual. 2023 Aug;12(3):e002188.
Alderson HV, Chinnadurai R, Ibrahim ST, Asar O, Ritchie JP, Middleton R, Larsson A, Diggle PJ, Larsson TE, Kalra PA. Longitudinal change in c-terminal fibroblast growth factor 23 and outcomes in patients with advanced chronic kidney disease. BMC Nephrol. 2021 Oct 2;22(1):329.
Lodge MDS, Abeygunaratne T, Alderson H, Ali I, Brown N, Chrysochou C, Donne R, Erekosima I, Evans P, Flanagan E, Gray S, Green D, Hegarty J, Hyde A, Kalra PA, Lamerton E, Lewis D, Middleton R, New D, Nipah R, O’Donoghue D, O’Riordan E, Poulikakos D, Rainone F, Raman M, Ritchie J, Sinha S, Wood G, Tollitt J. Safely reducing haemodialysis frequency during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Nephrol. 2020 Dec 7;21(1):532.
Vassallo D, Alderson H, Vuilleumier N, Ritchie J, Green D, Pagano S, Virzi J, Chrysochou C, Kalra PA. Association of novel biomarkers with major clinical outcomes in a cohort of patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Ann. Clin. Biochem. 2019 Jul;56(4):488-501.
Sykes L, Asar O, Ritchie J, Raman M, Vassallo D, Alderson HV, O’Donoghue DJ, Green D, Diggle PJ, Kalra PA. The influence of multiple episodes of acute kidney injury on survival and progression to end stage kidney disease in patients with chronic kidney disease. PLoS One. 2019 Jul 18;14(7):e0219828.