test tubes in a laboratory

Access to samples

Researchers may apply to access samples and/or data already stored, or to set up bespoke collections.

Please contact us by completing the appropriate form for a discussion in the first instance.

Associated clinical datasets extracted from our electronic patient records (EPR) can also be provided and will need to be included in the application/review and approval process.

Once applications have been approved a Material Transfer/Data Transfer Agreement will be agreed and signed which governs the use of the material and/or data following release from NCARC.

NCARC recovers the costs associated with the provision of samples and/or data. These should be discussed with the Operations Manager prior to submitting an application and when appropriate should be included in research grant applications.

NCARC is licensed by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA, licence number 12291) and was given ethical approval by the Wales Research Ethics Committee 4 (REC number 18/WA/0368). The approval can be used by anyone who wishes to use samples and/or data within our biobank, resulting in researchers not needing to obtain their own ethical approval for biomedical research. This centralised management of all ethics and regulatory requirements is of great advantage to our partners as all governance, approvals and administration is taken care of by NCARC.

Approval process

Accessing samples and clinical data, is conditional whereby an appropriately constituted Collection & Access Review Panel (CARP) will:

  • Carefully assess applications requesting access to samples, tissue and/or data across a wide range of disease areas for use in biomedical research from researchers across the UK or internationally.
  • Critically review proposals to ensure they are scientifically robust and meet ethical and regulatory requirements
  • Review applications referring to collecting samples, tissue and/or data across the NCA

All applications will require approval via the CARP. The panel includes experts and lay members who collectively have the qualifications and experience to review and evaluate the scientific, medical, and ethical implications of any proposed research.

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