Dr Ibi Erekosima

African partnership awarded prestigious grant

Salford Royal’s renal unit has been awarded a highly competitive clinical research grant from the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), in collaboration with a sister centre in Africa.

The project aims to establish a renal replacement therapy programme at University Hospital Port Harcourt in Nigeria. Currently approximately 25 million Nigerians suffer from chronic kidney disease and 95 per cent of those approaching end stage kidney disease die due to lack or high cost of renal replacement therapy.

The collaborative study aims to explore how to set up and prescribe peritoneal dialysis based on patient needs and local infrastructure as a viable, affordable, and sustainable mode of renal replacement therapy in low and low-middle income countries like Nigeria.

Dr Ibi Erekosima (pictured), who is leading the partnership at Salford Royal, said: “The ISN Sister Renal Centre partnership has been an exciting opportunity for the renal department of the Salford Royal to share knowledge and expertise with our colleagues in Nigeria leading to improvement in the care of patients with different types of kidney disease.”

Dr Pedro Emem-Chioma the Principal Investigator and ISN liaison officer in the Port Harcourt renal unit added: “The award of the grant will strengthen the clinical and research links with Salford Royal, and will help deliver high quality lifesaving care to patients needing dialysis.”

During the six-year partnership between Salford Royal and the University Hospital Port Harcourt the two centres have already established projects for detecting acute kidney injury using point of care technology and face to face and remote teaching programmes for interventional nephrology.

Dr Dimitrios Poulikakos is the head of the renal department at Salford. He said: “We are very proud to be part of this effort to address global health inequalities.”

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