Contact details:
BSc (Hons): University of Manchester, 2003
MB ChB: University of Manchester, 2004
MRCP (UK): Royal College of Physicians, 2007
MRCP (Nephrol): Royal College of Physicians, 2010
PhD: University of Manchester, 2016
Present appointments:
- Consultant Nephrologist, Salford Royal Hospital, Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust: – present
Previous appointments:
- Nephrology/cardiology post (ST3), Arrow Park Hospital: August 2008 – February 2009
- Nephrology/vasculitis post (ST3), Royal Liverpool Hospital: February 2009 – August 2009
- General Nephrology post (ST4), Royal Liverpool Hospital: August 2009 – February 2010
- Haemodialysis post (ST4), Royal Liverpool Hospital: February 2010 – May 2010
- General nephrology (ST5), Manchester Royal Infirmary: May 2010 – October 2010
- Out of Programme Research, University of Manchester/Manchester Institute of Nephrology and Transplantation: October 2010 – January 2015
- Renal transplant post (ST7), Manchester Royal Infirmary: January 2015 – June 2015
- Post CCT Fellow, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust: August 2016 – January 2017
- Locum consultant nephrologist, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust: January 2017 – June 2017.
Research interests/expertise:
- ANCA associated vasculitis (AAV)
- Sustainable nephrology
Current research grants:
- UKIVAS epidemiological study, Principal Investigator, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust (2016 – ongoing)
Publications (last 5 years):
Bate S, McGovern D, Costigliolo F, Tan PG, Kratky V, Scott J, Chapman GB, Brown N, Floyd L, Brilland B, Martín-Nares E, Aydın MF, Ilyas D, Butt A, Nic An Riogh E, Kollar M, Lees JS, Yildiz A, Hinojosa-Azaola A, Dhaygude A, Roberts SA, Rosenberg A, Wiech T, Pusey CD, Jones RB, Jayne DRW, Bajema I, Jennette JC, Stevens KI, Augusto JF, Mejía-Vilet JM, Dhaun N, McAdoo SP, Tesar V, Little MA, Geetha D, Brix SR, The Improved Kidney Risk Score in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis for Clinical Practice and Trials. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Dec 12.
Floyd L, Bate S, Kafagi AH, Brown N, Scott J, Srikantharajah M, Myslivecek M, Reid G, Aqeel F, Frausova D, Kollar M, Kieu PL, Khurshid B, Pusey CD, Dhaygude A, Tesar V, McAdoo S, Little MA, Geetha D, Brix SR. Risk Stratification to Predict Renal Survival in Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Mar 1;34(3):505-514.
Lodge MDS, Abeygunaratne T, Alderson H, Ali I, Brown N, Chrysochou C, Donne R, Erekosima I, Evans P, Flanagan E, Gray S, Green D, Hegarty J, Hyde A, Kalra PA, Lamerton E, Lewis D, Middleton R, New D, Nipah R, O’Donoghue D, O’Riordan E, Poulikakos D, Rainone F, Raman M, Ritchie J, Sinha S, Wood G, Tollitt J. Safely reducing haemodialysis frequency during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Nephrol. 2020 Dec 7;21(1):532.
Chadwick L, Kearsley-Fleet L, Brown N, BSRBR-RA Control Centre consortium; BSRBR-RA Contributors Group; Watson KD, Lunt M, Symmons DPM, Hyrich KL. Cervical screening uptake and rates of cervical dysplasia in the British Society for Rheumatology Biologics Register for Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2020 Mar 1;59(3):559-567.