Research Fellow and Senior Nursing Lecturer Dr Kirsty Marshall will lead work to empower nurses and midwives in research as part of an important new NIHR programme.
She is one of 35 Senior Research Leaders nationwide who will support the development of many more nurses and midwives as future research leaders over the next three years.
Dr Marshall’s clinical background is in community and district nursing and she also worked in a national role for the NHS institute for innovation and improvement. She is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Salford and Research Fellow at Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, where she also supports nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, pharmacists and healthcare scientists through our Centre for Clinical and Care Research. She particularly focuses on research that promotes integrated system working and is based at Rochdale Care Organisation.
Share learning
The Senior Research Leader Programme: Nursing and Midwifery will ensure nurses and midwives have dedicated time to share their learnings across organisations and the wider NHS.
Dr Marshall said: “Nurses and other professional groups often feel that research is far away and I hope this role will support a wide range of people to get involved in research and bring research into the everyday.”
As a Senior Research Leader, Dr Marshall will:
- Promote the importance of a vibrant integrated research culture to improve quality of care and health outcomes.
- Use her strategic experience to drive transformation within the NIHR and wider healthcare landscape.
- Be a champion for developing nurse and midwife research capacity and capability.
- Encourage research collaborations and sharing of research knowledge and skills.
- Expand national networks in secondary, community and social care settings to lead and influence changes in nursing and midwifery research practice.
- Support the development of future research leaders within the NIHR Academy.
- Identify research priorities that relate to frontline nursing and midwifery practice issues.
- Promote equitable and inclusive practices.
The SRL programme will recruit nurses and midwives annually through a competitive application process, with nurses and midwives remaining on the programme for three years. Information about applications for the second cohort will be available later in 2023.
Kirsty’s can be contacted at