The European Organisation for Caries Research (ORCA) has awarded the 2015 ORCA Prize to Professor Cynthia Pine CBE, Consultant at Salford Royal and Academic Lead for Dental Public Health at Queen Mary University of London. The prestigious prize has been given in recognition of her outstanding contributions to dental caries research.
After the presentation of the award, Professor Pine gave the ORCA Prize lecture to delegates from 24 countries.
As a Consultant in Dental Public Health at Salford Royal, Professor Pine has led two randomised clinical trials funded through the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit programme in the last five years.
The BrightSmiles study involved more than 400 families with children aged 12 months of age and tested the effects on tooth decay of three treatments – usual care; application of fluoride varnish every six months and usual care; or a tailored prevention programme aiming to support families with twice daily toothbrushing with fluoride toothpaste and controlling sugary foods and drinks, especially at bedtime.
The ongoing Dental RECUR study is working to check whether we can reduce the re-occurrence of tooth decay in children who have already had a primary (baby) tooth taken out before the age of seven.
She is also Principal Investigator for the trial Bedtime Brush and Read Together To Sleep (BBaRTS) which uses a unique storybook approach to support behaviour change. This is being carried out in the south of England and Scotland.
Professor Pine is also Honorary Consultant in Dental Public Health at Barts Health NHS Trust, Honorary Clinical Academic Consultant to Public Health England and is Chair of the North West Committee of the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit Programme.