Dr Claire Howard

Greater Manchester CAHPR hub re-launched

The Greater Manchester Council for AHP research (CAHPR) hub re-launched to develop AHP research, strengthen evidence and to raise the profile of AHP professionals.

The GM hub ambition is to create a unique ‘eco-system’ of research and clinical skills that is specifically designed to support AHP research activity in the Greater Manchester area.

Professor Christopher Nester and Dr Claire Howard (pictured above) will co-lead the hub.

Professor Chris Nester

Professor Nester is Lead Professor within the Directorate of Allied and Public health at the University of Salford. A podiatrist by initial training, he leads a wide range of quantitative and qualitative research related to lower limb health.

Dr Howard is a Neuro Specialist Research Orthoptist at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, working as a clinical expert in the area of neurological conditions and post stroke visual impairment. She is an active member of the VISION research unit at University of Liverpool. Together with the hubs from Cheshire & Merseyside and Cumbria & Lancashire the new hub leaders will be supporting AHP research activity in the North West of England.

During these early stages, the new leads aim to explore how the hub can help bring people with a common agenda together so that its focus is to enhance delivery of the AHP research agenda already in place.  During the next six months the emphasis will be around agreeing a structure, forming a committee to support the hub and developing priority area to shape the CAHPR GM hub development.

Anyone with an interest in the work of this newly formed hub or have an interest in supporting can contact the hub leads via email:



You can also find out more about the CAHPR on its website.

Follow the hub on twitter to keep up to date with latest developments @CAHPR_GM

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