Patients coming to Salford Royal for Outpatients appointments can now plan for their visit using a short video.
The film explains the practicalities of attending an outpatient appointment at Salford Royal. The patient journey starting from how patients are contacted about their appointment, what items they need to bring with them, how to get to Salford Royal and what help is available for those with extra needs, such as people with vision or hearing problems, are all covered.
It follows a patient on a typical visit and also informs patients which car park is best for their appointment, what public transport is available, how to find the Outpatients department and how you confirm attendance and book in.
Consultant Neurologist Dr David Rog originated the project to help patients feel more confident about their visit, which then won funding from the Design Innovation Solutions in Clinical Care award set up by Salford Research and Development and the Trust’s Division of Clinical Support Services and Tertiary Medicine. The film was produced by Haelo, Salford’s innovation and improvement science centre, with input from patients and health staff.
Dr Rog said: “We wanted to give patients, who perhaps hadn’t visited Salford Royal before, useful and reassuring information before their visit, to help them prepare. We hope the process is then as smooth as possible and they and our staff can concentrate on their medical needs.”