Six more Northern Care Alliance outstanding clinicians and researchers have been awarded MAHSC Honorary Clinical Chairs in recognition of their major contributions to their clinical specialities, including excellence in research and education.
These are awarded annually by The University of Manchester’s Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health Promotions Committee and recognise the new Professors’ outstanding work to improve patient care.
The new chairs go to:
He has developed an active programme of clinical research in obesity/bariatric surgery by fruitful collaborations on several research themes including endometrial cancer, lipids, and proteomics/metabolomics leading to several high impact publications. He has supported and mentored several MD/PhD candidates as part of these research programmes.
His research portfolio addresses the interaction between heart and kidneys in disease, with a focus on heart failure in chronic kidney disease. He is an expert advisor to NICE and the National Research Lead for the Society for Acute Medicine. He has long standing experience in biobank research through the Salford Kidney Study, which contains samples and data from 3,850 prospectively followed patients with consent for external collaboration for clinical data sharing, plasma and serum biomarker analysis and genomic studies. The main cohort is of non-dialysis chronic kidney disease.
He is Group Leader of the Surgical Neuro-Oncology Manchester (SNOMan) Laboratory and Strategic development lead at the Geoffrey Jefferson Brain Research Centre. He sits on the MAHSC Neuroscience board and chairs the One Manchester Brain Tumour Research Oversight Group. He is also clinical lead for the NCA in the prestigious iMATCH consortium for advanced therapeutic medicinal products.
Nationally, he is co-lead for skull base surgery on the academic committee of the Society of British Neurological Surgeons, serves on the medical advisory committee of the Pituitary Foundation, is neurosurgical expert to the NHS England proton beam therapy panel and sits on the council of the Royal Society of Medicine Clinical Neurosciences section.
He was the Marjorie Newsome Visiting Fellow at the renowned Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, USA. In 2015 he won the prestigious Norman Dott Gold Medal.
In addition to his network duties, he has provided clinical leadership for MAHSC’s Inflammation and Repair Domain, helping maximise research collaborations between NHS partners and The University of Manchester. Notably, he has developed the Trauma section of the domain and developed its leadership to establish a strong position in research and clinical academic growth for an area of unmet need in population health in the UK. His senior clinical leadership and support for University academics links directly to both the Trauma Audit and Research Network in the Division of Population Health (FBMH) and also to the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (FH/FBMH).
Sadly, Greater Manchester Trauma Network was tested by the terror attack in 2017. He led the coordination of learning from this event in partnership with NHS England’s senior medical directors, which has established the fundamentals nationally, for improved preparedness for the Health Security Agency. He has been co-opted onto a number of relevant national advisory boards in recognition of his knowledge on the impact of terror events and subsequent health systems recovery.
He is currently developing network links, prioritising injury prevention, violence reduction and enhanced rehabilitation for Major Trauma.
Martin previously held the post of Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, University of Manchester Associate Hospital Dean 2008-13.
He has served on College and Intercollegiate Committees, publishing guidelines and standards for Emergency Medicine, Paediatric Emergency Medicine, and Emergency Department design.
NCA R&I Director Professor Phil Kalra said: “These are fantastic achievements and reward for our colleagues’ leadership as well as their academic, national and international profiles. As an organisation, we are proud to see so many of our clinicians recognised for their expertise and commitment to research and education.“
In addition, Deputy Director of Research & Innovation Dr Smeeta Sinha has been appointed visiting Professor at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Her clinical interests are in CKD, metabolic stone disease and glomerulonephritis. She leads the complex glomerulonephritis service at Salford Royal which is an integrated clinical and research clinic serving a population of 1.3 million. She is also the Clinical Lead for the North West NHS England Renal Network and the NHS England National Clinical Advisor for Chronic Kidney Disease, which is one of the four work streams that make up the National Renal Service Transformation Programme.
Her research interests include chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder, in particular vascular calcification, glomerulonephritis and rare renal diseases. She is a recognised international key opinion leader in the field of calciphylaxis.
Pictured above are (top row, left to right) Emma Vardy, Omar Pathmanaban, Smeeta Sinha, (bottom row, left to right) Martin Smith, Akheel Syed, John Lear, Darren Green.