Recruitment target smashed

Well done to all research staff across the Northern Care Alliance who have helped the Clinical Research Network Greater Manchester reach its target number of patients recruited a full FOUR months early. The network’s 2018/19 target, set nationally, was 46,000 by the end of March 2019 – on Monday the region had recruited 47,103 participants across 784 studies.

More than 18,000 of the patients recruited have taken part in the PAT-POPS study at the Royal Oldham, Fairfield General and Rochdale Infirmary. They are part of a cohort of more than 22,000 patients participating in research at Pennine Acute so far in 2018-19, which is also ahead of its own annual target of 19,594.

Debbie Vinsun, CRN GM Chief Operating Officer, said: “I am incredibly proud of everyone connected to CRN GM for ensuring that this important milestone has been reached so very early.  A special mention has to go those involved with the PAT-POPS study at Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, part of the Northern Care Alliance NHS Group, for their magnificent contribution of 18,714 recruits.

“With everyone’s continued hard work, I am positive our recruitment figures will continue to surge upwards until the end of 2018/19, which is great news for patients in all of our GM communities.”

Nearly 4,000 of the Greater Manchester participants have been recruited at Salford Royal, where staff are also well on the way to their own target, following on from the record-breaking year in 2017-18.

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