R&I deputy directors

Research leaders drive innovation

The Northern Care Alliance has strengthened its research leadership team with five new Deputy Directors of Research and Innovation to work alongside Professor Phil Kalra and Professor Steve Woby in driving research that supports the needs of the Trust and its patients.

The five are:

Dr Smeeta Sinha – innovation and improvement

Dr Sinha has been a Consultant Nephrologist at Salford Royal since 2010, chairs the North West England Renal Network and is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at The University of Manchester. Her research interests include chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder, in particular vascular calcification. She is the principal investigator for the UK Calciphylaxis Study.

Professor Richard Warren – early phase trials and advanced therapy investigational medicinal products research

Professor Warren is Professor of Dermatology and Therapeutics at The University of Manchester and Honorary Consultant Dermatologist at Salford Royal. His work in dermatology focuses on genetic susceptibility to psoriasis and biological therapies in the treatment of psoriasis. He co-established a national exemplar clinic for patients with severe psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Dr Jim Ritchie – digital and artificial intelligence

Dr Ritchie is Programme Director for Salford Royal’s Digital Control Centre, which aims to advance acute and integrated care using data and digital technologies. He is a Divisional Chief Clinical Information Officer and a Consultant Renal Physician.

Professor Jimmy Limdi – Bury Care Organisation

Professor Limdi is a Consultant Gastroenterologist at the NCA and clinical lead for inflammatory bowel diseases, MAHSC Honorary Clinical Professor at The University of Manchester and Visiting Professor at Manchester Metropolitan University. His research interests in IBD include diet, neuro-motility in ulcerative colitis, women’s reproductive health issues and novel therapies.

Professor George Antoniou – Oldham Care Organisation

Professor Antoniou is a Consultant Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon and Honorary Senior Lecturer at The University of Manchester. His researchHe is certified by the European Board of Vascular Surgery. He specializes in open/endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, hybrid treatment of peripheral arterial disease, lower limb bypasses, carotid surgery and minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins. His academic focuses on evidence synthesis in vascular and endovascular surgery and in aortic aneurysm research. He has been the principal investigator for several national and international studies.

Stuart Stewart

In addition, Dr Stuart Stewart has been appointed Research Ambassador for Rochdale Care Organisation.

Dr Stewart is a GP in the final year of GP training and an NIHR Academic Clinical Fellow. His main academic interests are around health inequalities, women’s health, technology in healthcare and more specifically artificial intelligence.

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