Research on the rise

Greater Manchester’s NHS Trusts are helping to spearhead a rise in clinical research, highlighted by new figures in a league table published by the NIHR Clinical Research Network this week.

It shows the number of studies undertaken by each NHS Trust from April 2014 to March 2015, and the number of patients who volunteered to take part in clinical research.   Almost half of the NHS Trusts across the country increased the number of clinical research studies undertaken last year, contributing to the drive for better treatments for all NHS patients.

Salford Royal increased its number of studies* from 158 in 2013-14 to 165 in 2014-15, with 5,021 patients taking part.

Jonathan Sheffield, Chief Executive Officer of the NIHR Clinical Research Network, said: “It’s great to see a real appetite for research in Greater Manchester. I would like to thank all the patients and carers who have taken part in research, and thereby made a contribution to improving NHS treatments for everyone.”

The clinical research league table is available here.

*Data are from the NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio; a national database of studies, which is supported by the NIHR Clinical Research Network. Only studies that meet specific eligibility criteria set by the Department of Health are included in the Portfolio. These are high quality studies that have been awarded funds as a result of open national competition, for research that is of clear value to the NHS and which takes account of Department of Health and NHS priorities. Other ‘non portfolio’ research also takes place in the NHS.

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