Study summary
Swallowing difficulties are a common clinical problem for people following neurological diseases such as stroke.
The research team are trying to understand how the brain reacts to different combinations of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques, to find out what the best treatment is for people with swallowing difficulties.
Who can take part?
You can take part if you are a healthy adult aged 18 or above, with no medical complications or significant past medical history.
You cannot take part if you have a history of epilepsy, neurosurgery or swallowing problems.
If you have any magnetic or metal implants in your body and are taking multiple anti-depressants medications you will not be able to take part.
What will the research involve?
You will receive different sessions of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), which is a safe and non-invasive technique that can subtly activate the brain’s control of swallowing. You brain’s response will be recorded before and after the stimulation. A thin tube will be placed at the back of your mouth for a short period of time.
You will need to attend for a total of eight visits (once a week). Each visit takes approximately 3 hours.
You will be offered a subsistence payment of £30.00 per visit to cover travel and food related expenses.
Where will the research take place?
Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust
Salford M6 8HD
Study References
Ethics approved references for this study are listed below
- Research Ethics Committee ref 2018-4900-6971
For further information, please contact the study team
Email or phone 0161 206 1447.