Professor Bill Ollier

Patient Research Ambassadors

Thursday 6 October, 10am-1.30pm

Salford Royal

Research couldn’t happen without the thousands of patients and healthy volunteers who take part in and advise on our studies. Patients who’ve been involved are often our best advocates and can really help to build a patient-centred culture around research.

Here at Salford Royal we’re lucky to have a number of patients who are passionate about research and keen to help others get involved. This event will be a chance to say thank you to them and to involve them in developing the Patient Research Ambassador role, a recent initiative supported by the National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network. Research Nurses have invited selected patients to come along and will be working with them to come up with fresh ideas of how they can support research. R+D Director Professor Bill Ollier will open the event and there will also be talks  from a patient who’s taken part in research and one of our Research Nurses.


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