Centre for Emergency Care and Trauma Sciences liad over image of GM Major Trauma Hospital

Cenect Centre for Emergency Care and Trauma Sciences

Emergency and critical care avatar

The Centre for Emergency Care and Trauma Sciences (Cenect) at Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust was formed in 2023 and is located in the new Greater Manchester Major Trauma Hospital (level 2). Cenect brings together multiple developing workstreams in Emergency Care; we lead nationally prioritised research studies as chief investigators; we support local colleagues as principal investigators to deliver cutting edge pragmatic research trials aligned to multiple NIHR portfolios; we support developing academic careers through postgraduate supervision, associate principal investigator roles and local mentorship programmes; we accelerate knowledge translation through quality improvement projects; and we support/deliver educational activity aligned to trauma and emergency care. The latter includes advanced clinical skill courses, critical appraisal activity and MDT teaching.

Our centre brings together an established legacy of success in acute care research, led by Professors of Emergency Medicine and Critical Care who bring experience and credibility to the group. We have unique links to multiple national Higher Education Institutions, including the University of Manchester, University of Sheffield, Manchester Metropolitan University and Queen Mary University London.

Cenect brings together multiple existing local assets at the NCA, provides a robust structure for progression and ultimately aspires to promote Greater Manchester as an internationally recognised leader in major trauma research, innovation, clinical care and education.

Director: Professor Daniel Horner

Acute Research Team Lead: Reece Doonan

Contact us at: cenect@nca.nhs.uk

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